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Written by / November 19, 2018 / Posted in Hot Tubs

Reduce Hot Tub Energy Costs and Afford Year-Round Relief

Relaxing in warm water is an indulgence meant to be enjoyed year-round. But you probably don’t enjoy the strain that running your hot tub places on your utility bill.

Fortunately, there is a happy middle ground. Give these cost-saving techniques a try!

Tips for reducing hot tub energy costs. Use a cover, reduce the temperature, add gardening and insulation around the hot tub, reduce bubbling and filtration times and consider buying a new hot tub to save on your energy bills.

How to Reduce Hot Tub Energy Costs

You can have a luxurious feeling hot tub and home, without paying luxury prices.

Use a Hot Tub Cover

Use a high-quality hot tub cover to help retain heat and reduce energy consumption.

Reduce the Temperature

Lowering the temperature of your hot tub by a few degrees can help reduce energy costs. Many homeowners report saving up to $20 a month doing this trick alone!

Add a Garden Wall

Building a garden wall around your hot tub can help reduce wind exposure and heat loss.

Insulate Around It

Insulating the area around your hot tub can help reduce heat loss and save energy. You can even beautify the area around the hot tub but insulating with an elevated garden.

Time Your Filtration

Set your hot tub’s filtration system to run during off-peak hours when energy rates are lower.

Stop Non-Stop Bubbling

Minimize the use of bubble jets or air blowers, as they increase energy consumption.

Buy a New, Energy-Efficient Tub

Consider upgrading to a newer, more energy-efficient hot tub model to save on energy costs in the long run.

By following these simple tips, you can reduce your hot tub’s energy costs and enjoy the benefits of hot tub relaxation without breaking the bank.

Save More With a New Hot Tub

It may take a bit more time to ensure your hot tub isn’t costing you extra in utilities, but you’ll soon find that the deep muscle relaxation is worth it.

If it’s time to upgrade, stop by our showroom to see the latest efficient hot tub models. We’ll be happy to help get you set up with the best hot tubs on the market.

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