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Written by / March 11, 2016 / Posted in Hot Tubs

How to Clean Your Hot Tub in 30 Minutes

Cleaning your hot tub is an important, ongoing hassle. A hassle you have to live with. But it doesn’t have to be a time-consuming one. All you need is about 30 minutes each month.

Two cleanings are more important than the other 10 in the year.

  • When you drastically cut back on use in the spring.
  • When you start sitting in the hot tub daily in the fall.

So as the spring approaches, make sure you do a thorough cleaning and follow this infographic to make sure the hot tub is spick and span.

An infographic on how to clean a hot tub in 30 minutes. Includes steps, hot tub cleaning products and time-saving tips.

Step 1: Keep Your Hot Tub Covered

When your hot tub is not in use, keep it covered to prevent debris and dirt from getting in.

Step 2: Clean Your Filters

Regularly clean your hot tub filters to keep the water clear and fresh. Simply remove the filter, rinse it with a hose, and put it back in place.

Step 3: Clean Your Water

To keep the water in your hot tub clean, add the appropriate amount of sanitizing chemicals according to the manufacturer’s instructions. These chemicals will help kill bacteria and keep the water clear.

Step 4: Clean Spa Shell Surface

Use a mild cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge to clean the surface of your hot tub’s shell. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools that could damage the surface.

Time-Saving Tips

To save time, consider using a pre-measured chemical dispenser or an automatic chemical feeder. These devices can help you maintain the proper chemical levels without the need for frequent testing and adjustments. Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using chemicals and cleaning your hot tub. With these simple tips, you can keep your hot tub clean and enjoyable for years to come.

Get the Pros to Help

At Oakville Home Leisure, we are here to help you enjoy your hot tub to the fullest. Shop our spa care products today, or contact our team today with any questions you may have!

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